Sunday 17 December 2017

M31 - Andromeda!  Our Galactic neighbour.

Hi everyone, I've been back in the garden again, trying to get some good shots and generally practising with the camera and ISO settings.
I have also been practising taking flats, with my LED light screen, and believe I have mastered them!

Below, is now my favourite photo I have taken and processed to far!  Hope you like it too!

23x Lights - 120 seconds @ISO800
20x Darks
20x Flats
20x Bias
Processed using Photoshop and ProDigital Astronomy Tools

(Click to Enlarge)

Friday 1 December 2017

What my kit looks like

A couple of people have asked me what my kit looks like.  I've posted a few pics here and there on Facebook.   But those where mainly just random shots, with cables all over the show!

I've taken a couple of photos, to show you what I currently have.  And the wires are all tidy now too!

Click To Enlarge

Click To Enlarge

Finally, some dark sky..... and working kit!!!

Last night, I finally had chance to get some photography done.  Its been a LONG time since I had chance for a good session.  I've had issues with the Laptop breaking, and then the other night, the Guide Camera was being, a pain... to put it mildly.

Anyway, I wanted to shoot something a bit faint, and small, so I could practice a few skills and just see what happens, so I chose M27, the Dumbbell Nebula.

15x300 Second shot... (but lost one, due to a gust of wind!)
20 Bias Shots
19 Flat Frames (I need to learn how to do these properly still!

And after stacking them and processing in Photoshop, I'm happy with the result!
Hope you like it too!

Click to Enlarge